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Compose Generator is a command line tool, which helps you to setup your Docker projects as fast as possible. The command line interface (cli) acts as a helper to handle common Docker tasks, like managing Docker Compose configurations with a simple interface.
To get started with Compose Generator, visit our quick-start guide.

The focus of Compose Generator is to increase productivity and efficiency of common use cases like setting up Docker and Docker Compose and deploying a software stack. It makes use of predefined service templates that you can use to get exacly what you need and want. Nothing more, nothing less. Compose Generator is also made to be extensible, so if you miss any predefined service, head on to the template contribution guide and provide one!

Demo project setup

Here you can see a demo, how fast you can setup a Compose configuration for a stack with Angular, Node.js, MySQL and PhpMyAdmin in under 30 seconds (!):

If this is what you are looking for, go ahead and read the quick-start guide.